If you’re in Toronto, Nadine Prada (award-winning art director/artist) is doing the coolest thing. She created a workshop where she shows you deep, super cool and transformative insights about yourself by immersing you in her art. And it’s at this gorgeous NEW art + mindfulness space on Ossington, which opens this week! 
– Shawn Phelps
When I first heard about Nadine Prada’s Art Open workshop on art and mindfulness, I was curious because I love art and practice meditation, though had never consciously associated the two. I couldn’t have predicted how grounding and refreshing it would be to sit with these works and connect to my inner self as I experienced the beauty and presence of the art. I came away with a feeling of juicy goodness as though my spirit had been parched and was now full again. Since her workshop I’ve dipped into this well of juicy goodness many times, using what I felt, perceived, and experienced that day to inform my writing and my life. 

– Lissa Cowan