True confession time.
Have you ever searched for art and gotten so overwhelmed you ended up buying an Ikea poster and spending hundreds of dollars on the frame?
Ever looked at a piece of modern art and thought, “I just don’t get it.”?
Ever feel like you need an art history degree to decipher a painting?
Let’s face it. The art world can make you feel, well, kinda dumb. It’s intimidating.
Confession: Sometimes, it intimidates me, too!
Humans have been drawing on cave walls since the dawn of time. Our need for art is hard-wired into us. Every country, every civilization has created art. It’s universal. It’s powerful. And it’s meant not just to be seen, but experienced.
Trouble is, most people aren’t taught to “read” a painting the way we’re taught to read books. And without learning how, there’s a gap. Somehow, in the midst of the information age, the conversation went away.
I want to change all that. Because art has so much juicy stuff just waiting for you to experience.
You just need to know how to access it.
You see, recently I made an important discovery.
Actually, it was more like remembering something I’ve always known:
Art has a purpose. In fact, it has seven.
Art is a powerful tool we can use to help rebalance our lives. Because let’s face it, we could all use some serious rebalancing these days. (When’s the last time you were really off the grid? Months? Years? Decades?)
In our culture of constant and often overwhelming busy-ness, we need art now more than ever. The great news is, once you know your specific needs, and how to tap into the power of art, the rest is easy.
I can teach you how. I’m Nadine Prada, an artist with a background in award-winning mass communication and design. I work with art lovers to uncover their deeper needs around art, so it can transform their lives. This new understanding gives them the confidence to find pieces they truly love. And spending time surrounded by art you love will change your life, too.
I’ve been making art almost since birth. In a former life, I was an Art Director whose job was to understand what people needed beneath the surface. To deliver fulfilling experiences and ideas that made them happy. That made them feel seen and heard. That sparked conversation and connection.
I was also buried in the busy-ness of my job. Believe me, I know what overwhelm is. I know what it is to be living the good life, but not have any time to enjoy it. To go on business trips to amazing places, but only experience them from the cab window, on the way to meetings. To feel like you’re missing it, or to wonder what it’s all for.
I found my way back through art.
And now it’s my mission to show people all the incredible benefits of art,
and how easy it is to access them.
I’ve witnessed the power of art to connect and uplift us in ways so profound that time stands still, so we can savour those moments. And there is nothing more precious than time.
So whether you’re looking for the perfect piece of art to make your house a home, to brighten up an uninspiring workspace, or you just want to appreciate and understand it better, you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve developed a way to help you discover your own unique needs when it comes to art, based on your personality and the Seven Purposes.
Because we’re all different, we all have specific needs when it comes to what works for us. It’s like our fashion or music sense. Some of us are a little bit Country, others are a little bit Rock ‘n’ Roll.
I call these Art Love Archetypes.
We all have a dominant one that lets us know what we relate to most, and what our deepest needs are when it comes to experiencing art. Curious? Take the quiz here to discover your Art Love Archetype.
Once you know what your Archetype is, you’ll know what to look for, and understand the value it brings to your life. Knowing WHY you love a particular piece will enable you to choose art you connect with more deeply, and build trust in your own decisions. You’ll be able to experience art more fully and get the maximum benefits out of looking at it. Kind of like going from a 2-D black & white world to 3D Technicolour. When you live surrounded by this kind of art, it can change your entire outlook and improve your life.
So have a look through the galleries, and take the time to let the work wash over you. Notice what comes up. Treat this as your time to refuel. To take an inspiration break. You’ve more than earned it. If you happen to fall in love with a particular piece, drop me a line here. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have, and I’d love to hear from you.